Tuesday 30 October 2012

My Final Folio

This is my completed Folio that I produced in my 2D Design and Digital Imaging classes over a 6 month course.

It includes:
  • The fold-out book containing "Elements of Design" - Line, Shape, Texture & Colour
  • One of my Art Journals with the page of the artist Jorge Monreal
  • 8x Texture Cards using Image Transfers
  • My final presentation folder including all the final pieces of the work we have done so far
  • An A4 image of the 'Complementary Colour' drawing
  • My 'Looney Tunes' repeat pattern that I have used in the three 3D shapes.

Photography assignment

For my photography assignment, the objective was to take a series of photographs that all relate to each other. These are just a few, and the look I was after was one of a human "doll". I don't think I
delivered this theme well enough to connect to each other, but nevertheless I still
like most of the images.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

playing with colour

Digital Imaging

Creating an image with "colour"

drawing with texture

2D Design/Digital Imaging
Our main goal was to draw images that had
a lot of texture and divide it into four quarters.

The top left is of a bird where I have zoomed in and cropped the feathers,
and the second on the right is of an elderly homeless woman.
The bottom left is of a peanut shell, which is really zoomed in
so you can see the shapes and texture of the shell, and the bottom right
is of linen, which is 'pinched' in certain areas to show how the different
fibers rise and dip throughout the material.


Wednesday 10 October 2012

Thursday 4 October 2012


03/10/12 - At our farm.
Before a fire burnt the house to the ground, this
chimney was part of the kitchen in the house that dated back
to the early 1900's. All that still remains are two of these standing
chimneys, partial bits of wood and other bits of wreckage.
We leave it untouched as it holds some important significance
in the history of our property.

ageing is inevitable

One of the very old trucks. 


Silhouettes of the trees...

complimentary colours

One of the old and run-down sheds that is on our farm which
has not been used in over 30 years.
I really like the colours, especially the red scratched-off paint
against the moss-green wood panels.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Line Drawings

Contour Lines
Image Source: Magazine

Textured Lines
'David Hasslehoff'


Digital Imaging
Using different layers and images to create a
name/title within that image.

Positive & Negative Shapes

2D Design/Digital ImagingCreating letters with positive and negative shapes.


Digital Imaging: Creating Patterns

Monday 17 September 2012

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Repeated Patterns

Class: 2D Design & Digital Imaging - 29/08/12

Drawing a pattern and colouring it in and repeating it through Photoshop.
These are the final products.

Class: Digital Imaging - ARCIMBOLDO

12/09/12 - Feeling Blue

29/08/12 - K e n z i e

Image Transfers

Liar In The Glass

Class: 2D Design IMAGE TRANSFERS            5/09/12
The Map, The Bird & The Tree