Tuesday 18 September 2012

Line Drawings

Contour Lines
Image Source: Magazine

Textured Lines
'David Hasslehoff'


Digital Imaging
Using different layers and images to create a
name/title within that image.

Positive & Negative Shapes

2D Design/Digital ImagingCreating letters with positive and negative shapes.


Digital Imaging: Creating Patterns

Monday 17 September 2012

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Repeated Patterns

Class: 2D Design & Digital Imaging - 29/08/12

Drawing a pattern and colouring it in and repeating it through Photoshop.
These are the final products.

Class: Digital Imaging - ARCIMBOLDO

12/09/12 - Feeling Blue

29/08/12 - K e n z i e

Image Transfers

Liar In The Glass

Class: 2D Design IMAGE TRANSFERS            5/09/12
The Map, The Bird & The Tree